Thursday, 5 May 2011


This is a sample of the work of Ben Newman, who has a blog here.  I only discovered his identity this week, though I have admired his pictures for some time, without knowing anything about him.

This is a marvellous picture.  I love that he has decided to use black and white, so that the painting looks like an old photograph.  But what the hell is going on here?  Like I said earlier, the best erotic art leaves the viewer to decide what's going on, and why.  My imagination tells me that this depraved lovely is a very, very bored nymphomanic, tied to a tedious office job and with time on her hands.  Bored to distraction, but horny as hell, she amuses herself by improvising sextoys for herself.  She's obviously tried each of them out (note the pools of fluid around most of the objects) - and one can only guess at the use she has put those bulldog clips to!  But just look at the expression on her face!  Have these 'toys' satisfied her?  Surely not, for her lovely, sullen face suggests that she is still in the grips of powerful sexual impulses.  Bravo Ben.  I wish I had a 100th of your talent.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Sarah! Thanks for the nice words. I like the writeup; that's pretty much what I was thinking when I drew it! Looking forward to seeing what other stuff you put up here.
